Pharmacogenetics of Asthma Treatment |
User: Anonymous User ( Login | Register ) The Phase2best tool takes a set of haplotype strings as input. It has very flexible input processing, which can cope with several formats: I. Phase OutputFor example, you can cut and paste the haplotypes from a phase output file (from running phase on your own data or using our phase tool) and run the best algorithm, producing a report showing all of the minimum cardinality sets of htSNP together with the binary equivalents To test it, you can cut and paste the following haplotypes taken from the phase output for CARD4/NOD1 into the text box and click the "Do it!" button to find the 5 htsnp: 1: G A C G T G T G G G T A C G G T T T G C G A T A C A C C G A C (2) 2: G G T A T G T A C A C G C G A T T T G T A G T A C A C C G A C (2) 3: G G T A T G T A C A C G C G G T T T G C G A T A C A C C G A C (21) 4: G A C G T G T G G G T A C G A T T T G C G A T A C A C C G A C (4) 5: G G T A C G T A C A C G C G G C T C A C G A T A C A C C G A C (8) 6: G G T A T G T A C A C G C G G T T C G T A A T G T G C C G G T (2) 7: G G T A T G T A C A C G C G G T T T G C A A T A C A C C G A C (1) 8: G A C G T G T G G G T A C G A T T C G C G A T A C A C C G A C (2) 9: G A C G T G T G G G T A C G A T T C A C G A T A C A C C G A C (1) 10: G A C G T G T A G G T A C G A T T T G C G A T A C A C C G A C (1) II. "Johnson" formatIt also takes haplotypes in the format Johnson used in her htSNP paper with common alleles as ".": GACGGGCCAGAT+TG+TGCTCC (31) ...............-.AT... (18) ......T..C....A-..T..G (15) AG..A..TG.TC.C.-C.T..G (14) .G.C.A.T.......-..T... (10) ..T............-..T... (6) ...............-..T... (2) ............-..-...CTG (2) AG..A..TG.TC...-C.T..G (1) AG..A..TG.TC.C.-CAT... (1) III. Plain stringsFinally, if you cut off the last 2 numeric columns from SNPHAP output, it will also process those. For example, these are the >2% haplotypes from BPI, which you could cut/paste into phase2best: AGCGCAGGAAGGTGAGGGA GCTCCGAGAGAGCGGAAAG GCTCGGAGAGAGCGGAAAG GCTCCAGGGGACCAAGGGA GCTGCGAGAGAGCGGAAGA GCTCCAGGAAGGCGAGGGA AGCGCAGGAAGGTGGAAAG GCTCCGAGAGAGCGGAAGA GCTCCGAGAGAGCGAGGGA GCTCCGAGAGAGTGAGGGA GCTCCAGGAAGGTGAGGGA IV. Prettybase formatWe recently added a Prettybase to SNPHAP tool, which can process the haplotypes estimated by Clayton's SNPHAP and return the BEST report directly. To use that tool, your genotype data must be in Nickerson's "prettybase" format. -- Ross Lazarus, Visiting Associate Professor in Medicine |