This example will walk through the generation of a plot like the one below:
I. Genename
The gene name can automatically be included in the plot title, and is also used to label the optional SNP Map which is drawn along the diagonal of the LD Plot. You can change the gene name in the gray box below to anything you like:
II. Prettybase
Input is a standard prettybase file. Use the file dialog to locate the prettybase file you would like to use on your computer.
Alternatively, for this exercise, you can use the following data (or modify it if you would like). This data represents a set of three SNPs (located at position 100, 200, and 300 in the gene). Each SNP has been genotyped in six individuals from two different populations (H001, H002, H003, M001, M002, M003), giving us a total of 18 data points:
III. LD Type
Indicates which measure of LD you would like to plot:
r² = D²/PA * PB * (1 - PA) * (1 - PB)
r = sqrt(r²)
D' = D/Dmax
abs(D) = | PAB - (PA * PB) |
IV. Configure Populations
This text area allows you to configure how the LD Plotter will split the samples in the prettybase file into different populations. The field should have one line for each population represented in your dataset. Each line should be a population identifier, followed by a colon, followed by a description of the population. Leaving this textarea empty will indicate that you do not wish to partition your sample set, but instead, would like to consider all of the samples to be part of a single population.
V. Plot Title
The plot title has two modes of operation, one for simple use, and the other for more advanced purposes for users who are familiar with Python format strings, and would to specify exactly what the plot title should look like.
VI. Miscellaneous